Friday, March 5, 2010

Feeling Better

After a long day of waiting and feeling very discouraged, things improved in the evening yesterday. Michael has been feeling better ever since, he slept fairly well (or so my SIL tells me), and he says his throat feels better today.

So, I'm hoping he will be in good spirits and eat well today.

Thank you for lifting us up in prayer.


Infertile Myrtle said...

I am so glad you are feeling a little bit better emotionally. So glad to hear that Michael slept a little better and his sore throat is easing up. Praying for you!!!

onesillymama said...

That's good news, Joannah... sending you prayers for continued better days! Thinking of you both and praying for you...


dawn said...

So glad that things are improved today. I read your post yesterday and truly wanted to comment but everything seemed so trite that I wrote.
Always, always thinking of you both.
So glad that you had someone else on the "night watchman" duties and you were able to sleep. Rest makes many things more tolerable.
Hugs, as always.

~Kristen said...

Good, good news...

Hoping you can both continue to get rest...

Thinking of you always :)