Saturday, November 21, 2009

And So It Begins

The title sounds so profound, but I'm simply referring to my bedroom project. This morning we went and purchased paint and supplies, and I've just spent the last hour clearing out as much stuff as I can. I wish I could get the furniture out of the room, but our house is so small that there's no place for it to go. After my blogging break here, I will head back in the room and cover the furniture with some plastic before I begin to wash down the walls with a TSP solution. Then I'll tape off the woodwork and call it a day. I think that's all I'll have time for since I want to go to church this evening. Tomorrow I'll paint the ceiling, and Monday I'll paint the walls. Later in the week we'll paint and install the crown moulding.

I think I'm on my own with this first part of the project. Michael is feeling very low energy today. He says he didn't sleep well last night. He's resting on the couch this afternoon before he heads out for a gig tonight. It's just a two-hour gig, so hopefully he will have enough energy to get through it. He's playing a church service in the morning, too. It will be a good test of his endurance to see how he does with these jobs this weekend. The cough has been really bad this last month. We kept hoping the Sutent would have a positive effect on that, but no. Yesterday was his last day on the Sutent for that cycle. Now he has two weeks off. Sometime the week of the 30th he will have his CT scan, and we will hear about those results on December 7th. I'm expecting to hear good things!

Anyway, I've taken some before pictures of the bedroom, and I'll post those and after pictures when this week's projects (paint and crown moulding) are completed.

Wish me luck!

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