- Tomorrow is Michael's last dose of Stutent for two weeks. We are hopeful that his mouth sores will heal, and that he'll enjoy a sense of well-being during those two weeks.
- We are hoping to attend a wedding in Northern California next weekend. I shopped for a dress today with my sister and found this:

Cute, huh? I just ordered some shoes from Zappos to go with. They are cute, but I hope they are comfortable. We'll see...
- I still have eight hours of online traffic school to complete. Funny how I have time to zone out on the computer every evening, but never seem to get around to that.
- School is going well. I'm a bit frustrated with the lack of time I now have to accomplish all I'm supposed to. Fourth and fifth grade teachers are the hardest working teachers in the district. It's hugely inequitable. I am losing 90 minutes of release time over the next two weeks leading up to conferences due to a training session and an emergency drill. That really stinks because of all the extra work I have to do to prepare for conferences. After teaching third last year, with lots of release time, these shortchanges really stick in my craw. Sigh... It's just not fair!
- My grandmother is in the last days of her journey here on Earth. We are heartbroken to be losing her, but take great comfort in knowing she's on her way home.
Good night!
Dear Joannah, You and your husband have been in my thoughts and prayers. I will continue to remember you both.
I hope things at school become easier, and I pray you will have a lovely trip to northern CA.
Blessings to you, dear friend.
Cute dress!
Sorry to hear about your grandmother, but it sounds like you have found peace with it...
Hugs to you!
Will be keeping your grandmother in our prayers. Lots of hugs to you guys.
Love the dress and one can never have too many shoes, at least that's my philosophy and I'm sticking with it! I too hope they are comfortable.
I often refer to death as the Passover. If we are covered by the blood... well, I'm sure you understand.
Hugz and prayers,
Love the dress hope we get to see it on you.
Vere cute dress! You must have bionic feet if you can shop for shoes without trying them on first! Hope the weather up here cooperates next weekend -- it's supposed to be nice but rain is coming immediately after!
I have to do online driver ed too. Ugh. Is it really eight hours? Oh how I'm dreading it but I guess it's best just to do it and get it off the list of looming things to do, huh.
So sorry about your Grandma. I lost mine last year. It's sad but she had a long (and amazing!) life. I just wish she'd written a book so we might never forget her many adventures.
Hugs to you!
Our Blog: Double Happiness!
Bryan wanted me to share how his side-effects have been reduced by his oncologist's alternate schedule for taking Sutent. Dr. Baltz prescribes 14 days on then 7 days off. Bryan has just finished the first week of Round 2. (I call it Round 2 Part A Week 1). He's had fatigue and reflux and the strange taste changes, nothing worse. He's able to work 5 hrs or so a day, and, as you can see from his blog, we're still running around to Razorback football games.
So, today makes pill #36. Our current topic is diet. He saw a nephrologist and a nutritionist who talked about foods high in sodium, potassium, and phosphorus because he has high blood pressure. It's strange. Whole grains have too much of all those minerals. No bananas. I've gotta figure this all out.
In case you stumbled upon his blog and didn't bookmark it, it's therottenkidney.blogspot. (blogger won't let me include the whole thing).
We think about you and Michael a lot. As Bryan says, just because he has cancer, that doesn't mean he's going to stop living!
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