But, he said that he can see that Michael is deriving a "clinical benefit" from the Sutent. In other words, it is obvious that he is better off now than he was prior to taking the Sutent. However, he told us that the sores on Michael's head are RCC mets. If the Sutent doesn't get them under control, then Michael may have to have some targeted radiation therapy for them.
The doctor also said that it was much too premature for Michael to return to work, and he wouldn't speculate as to when Michael might be well enough to do so.
The bloodwork ruled out the possibility that Michael has pancreatitis, so he will start this cycle of Sutent tonight. That is very good news. It is likely that Michael's stomach aches are from all the coughing instead. We all had a good chuckle when Michael tried to tell the doctor that his stomach feels "funky". Dr. K good-naturedly told Michael that "funky" was not a medical term, and that he was going to have to elaborate on that. We feel so fortunate - so blessed - to have Dr. K. as our oncologist. He shows Michael genuine care and concern, and he affectionately rubbed his back and his shoulders while Michael had a little coughing fit. He also had a medical student with him today, and he seems to be as good with his students as he is with his patients.
So, we'll wait until later this week or sometime next week for more information about the results of the CT scan, but I'm not expecting any great surprises.
Dr. K truly sounds like a blessing! I am so glad you have him on your side and I am happy to hear that things went fairly well today!
Funky is not a medical term??? Who knew ;-) Glad to hear things went fairly well.
On a different note, I love the song you have playing. One of my faves!
Thankful things went "fairly well." Hoping the next report is a really good one.
Mixed blessings are still blessings, indeed! Hugs to you, Johanna and to Michael, too.
Good to hear. Better than bad news. It sounds like you have a really good doctor.
Hope you both are able to find some true rest together over the next few weeks.
Well...a fair report is always to be preferred to a bad report...but I'm praying for a GREAT report!!!!! A wonderful Christmas gift for you both from God!!!! Glad you have such a great doctor, though...that makes all the difference...Love you! Janine XO
Oh Joannah,
I am so glad Michael is in such good hands with Dr. K. Thinking of you and wishing for come good news when the films are compared, and a nice time off for you soon.
with love,
So glad that the tests, although not perfect, were better! Loving and praying for both of you - Happy Birthday Michael! Hope you have a good day-Love, Marla
Thanks for the update! Praying for good results. Tis the season for miracles :)
Dearest Joannah,
Just checking in to see how you are doing...and sending you love!! I'm thinking that your Christmas break must be just around the corner! Hope you and Michael will have delightful days together! Love you! Janine XO
Dear Joannah,
Thank you so much for visiting our little blog today, and for so thoughtfully leaving a comment for us :) It is always so nice to meet a new reader.
Good doctors are such amazing gifts from the Lord. I've read through a few of your posts, and I took a moment to pray for Michael and lift him up before the throne of grace.
May the Lord continue to bless you both with riches that cannot rust or tarnish,
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