Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Red Thread in My Classroom

It was the first day of the school year today. Seems like I have a nice class of good kids. Seven of them were in my class last year. I kept the sweetest ones in the bunch, and they were all sweet. So, these are like cotton candy sweet. Just love them! I have never had the pleasure of having students in my class two years in a row. It's a real treat.

And, here's my red thread story. It turns out that I have a little girl in my class who was adopted from China. I remember seeing her walk to school day in and day out with her mom a couple years ago when I had cross walk duty (it's a horrible duty!). Later that year, when I had the chance to introduce myself to her mom at the volunteer lunch, I told her my story. She was happy to talk to me about their experience and wrote me a lovely note afterwards. Now her darling daughter is in my class. I pulled her aside today and told her that I was trying to adopt from China a few years ago. She was so excited to know that, and she told me a little bit about the groups her family is involved in with other families like hers. She's so aware and articulate. I'm going to enjoy getting to know her this year.

So, the school year has begun, but I feel like I'm living in two worlds.

While I'm at school, Michael is home waiting to start the HDIL-2. He is getting weaker and weaker, and he's having such a hard time eating. It's hard. Really, really hard. For him and for me. Thankfully, tomorrow he sees Dr. K at UCLA for the pretreatment appointment. I told him to tell Dr. K that he's ready to start. He can check in tomorrow or the next day. He's got nothing else going on. I hope Dr. K will find a spot for him and get this treatment started within the next 72 hours. There's no need for us to wait any longer. I've planned nearly two weeks into the future, my substitute teacher is standing by, and my friend Teresa is ready to drive south to help us out.

So, hopefully this time tomorrow Michael will either be in the hospital, or he will be scheduled to be admitted to the hospital within a few short days.


Kim said...

How neat... you will have a great school year with her...
As for Michael... my thoughts and prayers are with you both..
He will be weak but it will help him in the long run..
keep us informed..

Unknown said...

Hi Joannah and Mike.

Joy and I will be thinking of Michael tomorrow and hoping treatment starts soon. Please let us know when it's a good time to visit, and if there's anything you need.

All of our best wishes, prayers, and positive thoughts,

Matt Fronke

Calico Sky said...

I'll be praying


Jill said...

I'm so happy to hear that you have a sweet group of students. You need this school year to be as stress-free as possible and I'm praying for that. Also praying that Michael starts treatment SOON.
