So, my period started last night - a few days earlier than usual, but that was expected due to the effects of the progesterone from last month. I called the RE's office to schedule my ultrasound and laparoscopy, and learned that we still have no insurance authorization. So, I do have an ultrasound scheduled at the butt crack of dawn next Tuesday, but we can't schedule the laparoscopy until that authorization comes in. The nurse told me to call on Monday and check on the status of that authorization. I really hope we'll get it Monday. I just want to get this procedure done and over with and move on to whatever our next step is. If we can't proceed this coming week, then we'll have to wait until the next cycle and that gets a little dicey with Michael's travel schedule because he just had a three day trip scheduled for the first weekend of October.
I just don't want to waste precious time.
oh you poor thing. Always a darn obstacle! It must be so stresful. My heart goes out to u.
Hugs to you.
Argh...sending tons of hugs.
Precious time is right. Hope it comes.
Good luck, Joannah. I hope that the insurance things fall in to place without any further ado - managing stress is a good thing. xo
Oh I'm really sorry, I really hoped it would have all worked out by now.
Lots of prayers and hugs from England!
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